Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Out With the Old, In With the New.......

Well, this seems like a good place to start. My old flowerbeds, some of which I dug up and brought with me for the move......have been nestled in my new vegetable garden for the winter (almost all so far have sprouted since I last looked). Those will be spread out amongst the new beds waiting to be designed out of old ones. Then there are a couple completely new beds to dream up. I have one deep shade garden to design for the front of the house (faces north) and another part shade garden for the tool/garden shed out back. I'm really excited about that one, just have to wait for the shed to be sided before I can get started. The one in the front of the house gives me some anxiety as that is part of the entrance and I want it to be pretty, welcoming, not crowded. I'm thinking yews, annabelle hydrangeas and hostas. It's the layout mostly that gives me stress. Then there is also a boardwalk to the front entrance that will require some plantings and I want to tie that into the other. Right now I've just put some solar lights along the boardwalk but I'm thinking either two rows of very short compact boxwoods, or spireas well rounded and shaped or some kind of perrenial that mounds. hhhhmmmm, any ideas?


Amy said...

Hi :)

I love the template/layout of your new garden blog!

I also love the before and after pictures of your kitchen. I thought before I only saw the before....it looks AWESOME!

Yay for garden blogs! ;)

Caroline said...

Ohhh, I'm under construction right now - you're not supposed to look yet!!