Thursday, July 19, 2007

Gardening Shed Bed (Part Shade - South East)

Finally after what began in May of buying plants (a little impulsively too soon) rotatilling, weeding, rotatilling, weeding, laying 8 layers of newspaper and shoveling 9 loads of soil the planting is complete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was tall grass, weeds and raspberry bushes - so I had my work cut out for me and hopefully there's enough newspaper down to smother those roots!!! Fingers crossed and saying prayers!!

At the very end (to the left is a double flowering almond and in the middle is a dwarf burning bush.
I'm really hoping the two elders do well and grow nice and big. They're at the back close to the shed. That shed by the way is going to have old barn board on it eventually! I've got three of my daylillies from the old house and the bright pink lilly and the melon lilly, both from the move, in here as well. Hopefully they tolerate the late transplanting!!


Dexter said...

Wow...what a difference! You sure did a whole lot! I can see it: how it'll look in a few years...very nice!!!!
I'm very impressed, and again...jealous of your space!

Amy said...

oops...wrong account

Amy said...

hahahaha....can you delete that Dexter comment. Boy, I feel dumb...I don't even know how to explain that. You'll laugh. It'll make a great camping're probably wondering wtf is "dexter the monkey"..ahahahaaaaa...too funny.
Anyway, what Dexter said about your garden, yeah...great job, beautifully done!

~Amy (heeee heeee heeee)