Sunday, June 10, 2007

Got My Roses!!!

As part of my 'going away' party, from my coworkers at my old job, I got some gift certificates for the greenhouse so now there was no reason for me to "wait" to get the two roses I wanted. 'Morden Sunrise'
'Tahitian Moon' (so tall already)
'Tahitian Moon'


Amy said...

*ooooooo* pretty flowers!

My Morden went through some shock after planting and is still a little weak, however - it's covered in buds, just as the three existing ones (John Davis, Winnipeg Parks, and George Vancouver) - tons of buds.

I'm still looking for Winchester Cathedral...*sigh* I miss that one.

Amy said...

Oh, no problem about Saturday _ was way too worn out to go anywhere either. My back is killing me, and I'm walking like an old lady.

I haven't been able to do much in the yard (because of the back) which worries me. I'm really inspired, I just can't move my arms. *sigh*

I want to get my tomato plants in the ground because they're covered in blooms - I did plant my little pumpkin plants though. They'll ramble all over the one side of the front lawn. I think it'll be fun for Hannah - and Cooper (the three year old charmer from next door) is even more excited about the front yard pumpkins. hee hee

I read on your blog that you're enjoying the new job. That's great - I hope they appreciate you ;)

We'll have to talk soon. I've got some updates for you! wooooooo.
